An article dedicated to Deepika Padukone

Deepika Padukone
Deepika Padukone

She started from the scratches of criticism and reached a place that majority of girls dream about. The name that stands as an inspiration today to a populous young female crowd – Deepika Padukone!

A tall, slim and silent stature that speaks a lot without speaking much, does have some very unique USPs thereby making her presence far apparent to the world.


Deepika is a silent warrior. Almost every woman has been through critical times and shed unlimited tears of depression. Many gave up and many fought like brave soldiers so, what’s so unique about Deepika?


Well, it is true that a woman is a symbol of strength and endurance. Majority of women normally give up fighting and the ones who fight go gaga over their fighting skills, brag about their victory over bad time, speak defensive and/or try to play the blame-game, but this is where Deepika stands apart. She gets out of any battle so peacefully that the other party starts blaming self and finds himself or herself guilty.

She is a very good and live example of one old belief – ‘There’s no point in blaming anyone in this game of life when we all are playing our roles’; and she has learnt this spiritually well. This adds up as her USP!

She is a chance-grabber and that becomes her second USP. We all seek opportunities, but very few have the courage to accept the hard one knocking at the door. Sometimes, we lose it due to family or societal interference and sometimes, due to our self-induced fear resulting from unnecessary multiple thoughts. I think we need to learn from Deepika how to grab and pull an opportunity into our destiny. She understands that few opportunities knock only once in a lifetime and hence she grabs them with both the hands leaving no space for any fear.

Deepika Padukone

Fear is an emotion that can be overtaken with the help of risk and confidence. Unnecessary and negative thoughts provoke more fear thereby prohibiting people to take chances. You can stop this by thinking only positive and putting yourself on ‘trial mode’.   


Deepika has aesthetically portrayed her career, life and inner charm.  She showed the world that if a woman can take chances, she can fly places and achieve her dreams with respect and humility.

She is a politically correct woman. Deepika is the one of the very few who, without uttering any harsh words, names or other details, will speak of only her struggling journey of life. She chooses motivational rather derogatory speech to inspire people to fight the ugly battles of life. There were instances in her life that got her broken into pieces and the contrary spoke ill about her, but she never uttered a statement of how she felt about what people said. She has always spoken of how she came out of a particular situation rather exposing who pushed her into one. I don’t think many even know how this can be done so, this becomes her best USP!

A woman is the most respected masterpiece crafted by the gods, a substantial origin of inner strength and the most adaptive of her kind – are few of the best features projected by Deepika in her real life. Girls, if this woman can prove it all, what’s stopping you? Don’t be just another Deepika Padukone, but be what you’ve always wanted to be and show the world who you are!

Article written and submitted by:- Asavari Sharma
All Rights Reserved – Seasons with Shruti Sharma ©

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